Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to cook Korean Steak

This steak is originated from Korea. This is best serve with rice. Here are some cooking tips and recipe on how to cook Korean steak.

(this is a Standardized recipe)

Recipe: Korean Steak
Product classification:meat dish
Recipe Yield: 8 servings
Portion size:8servings(93g each)
Cooking time: 1hr
Cooking Temp.: grilling


  • oyster sauce                   455.42g
  • soy sauce                          5g
  • calamansi                         50g
  • brown sugar                  150g
  • pepper                              5g
  • garlic                                 25g
  • liempo                               625g
  • cornstarch                        3g

  • combine the 1st (5)five ingredients in a bowl. mix.
  • minced the garlic, then add to the mixture.
  • marinate it to the mixture about an hour, then grill.
  • use is for the sauce.
  • simmer the remaining mixture and add the dilute cornstarch for the body of the sauce.

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